
"The decisions you make today will affect the outcomes in your future." Dr. Justin Boone

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Welcome to my Blog!!


I would like to first wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year!! I have been contemplating on starting this blog for a while now, and after numerous conversations with close friends, I have finally decided to make it happen! Before I begin with the story line however, I just want to thank you guys for taking time out of your busy schedules to assist me with this project. Your insights and comments will help tremendously and for that I am grateful. goes!!

During my tenure as a doctoral student, I've had many opportunities to participate in conferences and panel discussions where I was asked to shared some of my personal experiences in the doctoral program with undergraduate students across the country. After serving on these panels numerous times, I started to notice that nearly all of the students had questions and/or concerns that directly related to "successfully transitioning from undergraduate to graduate school." Therefore, I recently decided to not only share advice with those who participated, but also with students around the world who are interested in pursuing advanced degrees!

My plan is to write a book covering key components in detail that will help students make this successful transition to graduate school. However, I wanted to first share the idea with my peers (you guys) in order to get a better understanding of exactly which topics students are more concerned with; this will help me formulate my chapters, while paying close attention to the areas of interest. So, yes, now I need your help!!:)

Ask yourself this.... If I were planning on attending graduate school, what questions would I want answered in order to increase my chances of educational success?? Several just popped in your head I hope!

So, I have prepared a brief questionnaire below. Your responses will assist me in narrowing down the topics of interest for students and provide insight into my chapter alignments. I will also post answer responses to the questions/comments you provide below so that we can maintain a continuous discussions on this page.

Please spread the word and direct any friends and family who may be seeking graduate school advice to my blog! All comments will remain confidential in future publications.


1. Are you currently in or interested in attending graduate school to obtain an advanced degree? If so what degree and why?

2. What is your major/discipline and classification?

3. In what ways do you believe obtaining an advanced degree can benefit your career path?

4. What questions come/came to mind when you think/thought about transitioning from undergrad to grad school? For example, applying, finding an advisor, coursework adjustment, prioritizing, etc.  
Note: If you have already completed graduate studies, what were some questions that came to mind when you were in the process of applying to graduate school? 

Please feel free to also provide any other comments/suggestions you may have, as your input is highly appreciated! You can also email me and I will get back to you at my earliest convenience. Follow me by email and stay updated on recent posts!  

Thanks again!!

Justin Boone, Ph.D.  


  1. 1. Are you currently in or interested in attending graduate school to obtain an advanced degree? If so what degree and why? I have obtained my Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering.

    2. What is your major/discipline and classification? Computer Science and Engineering Ph.D. graduate

    3. In what ways do you believe obtaining an advanced degree can benefit your career path? Obtaining an advanced degree introduces you to the process of research and advances your critical thinking skills. Both skills are valuable and transferable in any career field since they bring innovation and new ideas to the industry which only enhances the growth and culture within the company.

    4. What questions come/came to mind when you think/thought about transitioning from undergrad to grad school? For example, applying, finding an advisor, coursework adjustment, prioritizing, etc.
    Note: If you have already completed graduate studies, what were some questions that came to mind when you were in the process of applying to graduate school?

    When applying for graduate schools, I thought about what is the required GRE scores and do I have a score that can get me in. Since I didn't have the best scores, my next question was "how can I market myself in such a way that they could look past my GRE scores and see that I had potential to be a successful graduate student?" Once I got the administration questions out of the way, I started to look at the research areas of the professors in my major and wanted to know if I had any interest in their areas of study. Once I found a professor with my interest, I looked at his past research experience as well as his/her past graduates to see he/she has a good track record of graduating students in a timely manner. I also looked at the type of research grants that he/she has which would let me know if they have the ability to fund me during my tenure as their graduate student.

    Of course when I say "I", I'm talking about myself in another dimension because I didn't do any of this stuff. hahahaha, But these are the questions I would have tried to answer looking back retrospectively.

    Ransford Hyman Jr., Ph.D.

  2. 1. Are you currently in or interested in attending graduate school to obtain an advanced degree? If so what degree and why? I have obtained my MBA in Organizational Management.

    2. What is your major/discipline and classification? MBA, Organizational Management

    3. In what ways do you believe obtaining an advanced degree can benefit your career path? Obtaining an advanced degree increases your knowledge for that specific subject matter and it further solidifies your creditbility .

    Note: If you have already completed graduate studies, what were some questions that came to mind when you were in the process of applying to graduate school?
    Creditbility of school and program and cost were that major factors.

  3. 1. Are you currently in or interested in attending graduate school to obtain an advanced degree? If so what degree and why?
    Completed a PhD in Electrical Engineering with a focus on BioMEMS design and manufacture. I chose to pursue a PhD in BioMEMS because my goal was to enter the workforce as a medical device designer and to develop technologies to help treat and overcome diseases.
    2. What is your major/discipline and classification?
    Electrical Engineering PhD
    3. In what ways do you believe obtaining an advanced degree can benefit your career path?
    I believe my advanced degree makes me more marketable to a wider range of companies than my bachelor degree. I decided to pursue graduate studies because I wanted to change disciplines in a sense. Graduate school allowed me to gain experience from a diverse array of new areas by allowing me the freedom to choose courses and research that aligned with my vision. Graduate school was a great opportunity to look more closely at what types of jobs are available in the ever-changing workforce.
    4. What questions come/came to mind when you think/thought about transitioning from undergrad to grad school? For example, applying, finding an advisor, coursework adjustment, prioritizing, etc.
    Note: If you have already completed graduate studies, what were some questions that came to mind when you were in the process of applying to graduate school?
    How do I find an interesting research topic?
    How do I select a graduate program/advisor?
    What is important when selecting an advisor?
    How do I balance coursework and research?
    What funding sources are available to me as a graduate student?

    Frank Alexander Jr.

  4. 1. Are you currently in or interested in attending graduate school to obtain an advanced degree? If so what degree and why?
    Interested in attending graduate school. My degree would be an MBA, with a specific focus in Organizational Development/Leadership. This is an important field for me due to my current professional as a Leadership Education/Strategic Initiatives Manager - in which I am responsible for Human and Business vitality within the Corporate arena.

    2. What is your major/discipline and classification?
    Major - Business Administration, graduated Spr 2008

    3. In what ways do you believe obtaining an advanced degree can benefit your career path?
    It is essential due to the amount of literature, and advance research within the field.

    4. What questions come/came to mind when you think/thought about transitioning from undergrad to grad school? For example, applying, finding an advisor, coursework adjustment, prioritizing, etc.
    Professional consultation regarding the many jobs available within this field.

  5. 1. Are you currently in or interested in attending graduate school to obtain an advanced degree? If so what degree and why?
    Currently attending graduate school working toward MBA with specific focus in Management. Currently working in the engineering industry my plan is to finish graduate school and move more towards Management within the engineering industry.

    2. What is your major/discipline and classification?
    UG - Major - Electrical Engineering, graduated Spr 2010
    Graduate School - MBA in Management Spr 2014

    3. In what ways do you believe obtaining an advanced degree can benefit your career path?
    Obtaining an MBA can benefit my career path by not only having a technical background but also having a background in Leadership/Management. This will set me apart from someone who is only technical.

    4. What questions come/came to mind when you think/thought about transitioning from undergrad to grad school? For example, applying, finding an advisor, coursework adjustment, prioritizing, etc.
    Biggest Question i had was can i afford graduate school. If i didn't have educational reimbursement through my company i don't think i would be in graduate school now. Next question i had was how much work goes into graduate school. With working 80 hours a week and family, added more to your plate sometimes can be scary.

  6. First of all, Dr. Boone, I think this is an excellent idea and I will like to thank "you" for your dedication with helping young minds with an issue that many students have. As you know, I've completed my Masters degree in Electrical Engineering in the area of Power Systems.Obtaining my advance degree was very beneficial because it provided me with the necessary technical skills needed for the power industry that my undergraduate university didn't offer. Many years have passed since the power industry been in a hiring boom and now, since all of the Baby Boomers are retiring, the industry is in desperate need of new young minds. I started working for my company in June 2012 with 3 other engineers, because of my technical background I've been promoted within one year of working with the company, surpassing my comrades and other engineers that joined the company a couple years before me. That experience along shows how powerful earning a graduate level degree is.

    There were many questions I had when deciding to attend graduate school. Some of them are stated by previous bloggers so here are my additions:

    1. Should I obtain a Masters or Ph.D? This was by far one of the most important questions I had to ask myself

    2. After deciding to enroll as a Masters student, I then I had to decided if i wanted to do a thesis or not.

    3. Traveling back to my farther's birthplace of Nigeria, I lost fellowship funding for my grad program. So then I had to ask myself should I attend grad school without any funding.

    Wrapping things up, I think it's important to stress the importance of time management and team work (study groups) when discussing the transition to graduate school. Students need to understand that 9 hours (full-time) of graduate hours is compared to 20 hours of undergrad hours. Graduate school is a lot faster pace and you have to thoroughly know the information. Many engineering students have learned the importance of study groups during their undergrad career, but for those that haven't and for others in different discipline areas, make sure you stress that they will not obtain an advance degree on their own.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. 1. Are you currently in or interested in attending graduate school to obtain an advanced degree? If so what degree and why?

    I am not currently attending graduate school, but I am interested in attending gradute school in the near future. Obtaining a MBA in management is what holds my interest as of now but it's subject to change after I look further into different fields.

    2. What is your major/discipline and classification?

    B.S. Electrical Engineering - Fall 2010 Graduate

    3. In what ways do you believe obtaining an advanced degree can benefit your career path?

    An advanced degree would definately make me more marketable as well as knowledgable. It would help set me apart from the competition when trying to progress in my career. It opens door to more opportunites if a switch in career path is ever desired.

    4. What questions come/came to mind when you think/thought about transitioning from undergrad to grad school? For example, applying, finding an advisor, coursework adjustment, prioritizing, etc. Note: If you have already completed graduate studies, what were some questions that came to mind when you were in the process of applying to graduate school?

    Being that I immediately went into my career post undergrad, my biggest concern would be getting back into the flow of things as far as school relates. How do I balance my time with work, school, studying, leisure activities etc. Funding is also an area of concern. Are there grants/scholarships available if tuition reimbursement isn't an option? Do I need to take a GRE exam before starting grad school? These are some of the many questions that come to mind when considering grad school.

    I hope that this has been helpful to you!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. 1. Are you currently in or interested in attending graduate school to obtain an advanced degree? If so what degree and why?

    I am not currently in graduate school, but will pursue the possibility of finishing the Masters of Business Administration degree after passing the Certified Public Accountant's exam. I will finish the Masters of Business Administration in Project Management degree. I have experience working in Disaster Recovery finance on multiple projects and the MBA would be a valuable asset for career advancement along with the CPA certification.

    2. What is your major/discipline and classification?

    Bachelors of Science in Accounting - Summer 2009 Graduate

    3. In what ways do you believe obtaining an advanced degree can benefit your career path?

    I believe an advanced degree solidifies mastery in your specific career field and will further assist in career advancement. Also, by gaining further knowledge you will be able to branch out on your own and use your acquired knowledge and skilsl to own and operate a business. The acquired knowledge and skillset would be a valuable asset that will assist in providing superb service to the community through your specific business model(i.e. Business Consulting, Financial Planning, Income Tax, etc.).

    4. What questions come/came to mind when you think/thought about transitioning from undergrad to grad school? For example, applying, finding an advisor, coursework adjustment, prioritizing, etc.

    The following are some of the questions and/or concerns that would come to mind in my personal opinion:

    -How will I pay for the graduate degree? (Scholarships? Fellowships? Loans? Out- of-Pocket? etc.?)

    -What method of study fits my lifestyle? (Online or On-Campus)

    -Is a test required to apply to my school of choice and program? (i.e. GRE, GMAT, etc.)

    -What is the application process?

    -Once enrolled, what is the role of my advisor in my transition into my graduate studies?

    This list could be very extensive, but this is all I have at the moment :)

    Good Luck and Proud of You

  11. 1. Are you currently in or interested in attending graduate school to obtain an advanced degree? If so what degree and why?

    I have obtained an MBA with a concentration in Management.

    2. What is your major/discipline and classification?

    MBA-Business Management.

    3. In what ways do you believe obtaining an advanced degree can benefit your career path?

    Obtaining an advanced degree can benefit your career path by providing an individual with the essential tools necessary to be successful. I believe some of these tools include enhanced writing skills, effective communication, and additional knowledge desired for particular subject matters. These traits can build the type of confidence and motivation that will create a path for promotions and also transform an everyday employee to a managerial position.

    4. What questions come/came to mind when you think/thought about transitioning from undergrad to grad school? For example, applying, finding an advisor, coursework adjustment, prioritizing, etc.
    Note: If you have already completed graduate studies, what were some questions that came to mind when you were in the process of applying to graduate school?

    Am I going to benefit from an advanced degree?

    Can I afford it?

    Do I have the time for it?

    How will I utilize my degree once I have graduated?

    I am very proud of you! Let me know if you need any additional help!

  12. 1. Are you currently in or interested in attending graduate school to obtain an advanced degree? If so what degree and why?

    I am currently in pursuit of the PhD. I chose graduate school for 3 reasons. First, I wanted to design/ create something that was "patent-able" and had a lasting effect on society. Second, I had the opportunity to work with defense contracting company right out of undergrad but did not feel that suited my end goals. Lastly, I found very few industry companies with mission statements that I supported totally. So, I figured grad school would provide me with exposure and experience to become my own boss.

    2. What is your major/discipline and classification?

    My major is Electrical Engineering, although I find myself becoming more of a material's scientist. I will complete my Masters degree requirements in May and continue on as a PhD student.

    3. In what ways do you believe obtaining an advanced degree can benefit your career path?

    Beyond the soft and hard skills learned in pursuit of the advanced degree, I believe the PhD will also provide me with the credentials necessary to go into consultation an entrepreneurship.

    4. What questions come/came to mind when you think/thought about transitioning from undergrad to grad school? For example, applying, finding an advisor, coursework adjustment, prioritizing, etc.

    I think the question about funding was most important. I remember being told in undergrad, that as an engineer, "you do not go to graduate school if you are paying for it." For example, there are many companies which hire employers and then pay for their schooling in subject areas that are beneficial to both parties.

    Question that continuously comes to mind as I am in the midst of obtaining this advanced degree:
    What am I going to do with my PhD? Will companies consider me over-qualified?

    Also, in transitioning from a minority serving institute, honestly I've to do self assessments and encourage others to do so. For example, is my skill set up to par and what areas to I need to sharpen? And, do I have the ability to work independently? Not to discredit the historically black institutions in no way, because that "village" was necessary in building my foundation.

    Justin, I hope this was helpful! I am sorry for the delayed response. I am a participant in a study conducted by the Northwestern University, School of Medicine. They are conducting an ongoing student, about "the development of scientist." They have followed my progress since my Sophomore year of undergrad, so I can share with you some of the questions/discussions we've had.

    I look forward to talking with you, thanks for being so inspiring!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. 1.Are you currently in or interested in attending graduate school to obtain an advanced degree? If so what degree and why?
    Yes, I am interested in obtaining a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership. I believe this degree will give me a lead way to best practices and research to enrich my educational leadership abilities.

    2.What is your major/discipline and classification?
    M.Ed in Educational Technology Leadership – Spring 2013 Graduate

    3.In what ways do you believe obtaining an advance degree can benefit your career path?
    By obtaining an advance degree I will increase me knowledge in my current discipline and become certified to advance in my career. My dream is to first become a principal and then superintendent.

    4.What questions come/came to mind when you think/thought about transitioning from undergrad to grad school? For example, applying, finding an advisor, coursework adjustment, prioritizing, etc. Note: If you have already completed graduate studies, what were some questions that came to mind when you were in the process of applying to graduate school?
    -How will I be able to afford graduate school?
    -Will I be able to complete the course work? (Started a new job that requires weekly travel)
    -Did my masters program equip me for the writing requirement for a terminal degree?
    -Do I need to re-take the GRE?

  15. 1. & 3. Are you currently in or interested in attending graduate school to obtain an advanced degree? If so what degree and why? 3. In what ways do you believe obtaining an advanced degree can benefit your career path?

    I am interested in obtaining a graduate engineering management degree or electrical engineering degree with a focus in power. I am working for a utility company in South Florida which has attracted my interest to learn more about power. Although I am learning tons in the field, I believe having the degree will speed up my learning curve which will allow me to work on larger projects and also provide the monetary incentive. I chose engineering management as an alternative in case I plan on leaving the field and transition into a role that oversees and manages work groups. Since working with the utility company or any typical corporate company for that matter, I've noticed as you grow and advance higher up with the company, the positions are more business/management related.

    2. What is your major/discipline and classification?

    I have a Bachelors in Electrical Engineering and currently employed with Florida Power and Light (FP&L) as an Associate Protection and Control Engineer.

    4. What questions come/came to mind when you think/thought about transitioning from undergrad to grad school? For example, applying, finding an advisor, coursework adjustment, prioritizing, etc.
    Note: If you have already completed graduate studies, what were some questions that came to mind when you were in the process of applying to graduate school?

    -How can I get in without paying out of pocket?
    -Will I have enough money (scholarships, grants, fellowships) not to work? If not, what job can I get that pays enough for my needs yet doesn't consume my time and focus on school?
    -Would it be better to work in the field and "make sense" of what was learned in undergrad before going into grad school?
    -If I have a job offer after undergrad, should I risk declining the offer and continue my education?

  16. 1. Are you currently in or interested in attending graduate school to obtain an advanced degree? If so what degree and why?

    I have completed my PhD

    2. What is your major/discipline and classification?
    Major: Electrical Engineering, RF & Microwave / Ferroelectric Thin Films

    3. In what ways do you believe obtaining an advanced degree can benefit your career path?
    A. It creates more opportunities for you (industry or university setting)
    B. Depending on the company you join, you are placed on a path for leadership immediately which allows you to have an impact.

    4. What questions come/came to mind when you think/thought about transitioning from undergrad to grad school? For example, applying, finding an advisor, coursework adjustment, prioritizing, etc.
    Note: If you have already completed graduate studies, what were some questions that came to mind when you were in the process of applying to graduate school?

    I didn’t ask myself all of these questions, but I wish I would have.

    A. Have I considered all of my funding options? When applying for grad school, know what your funding options are. Don’t just consider funding from the department of interest. Look at institutional fellowships as well as state and federal funding (NSF, FORD, FEF etc.)
    B. How long am I willing to stay and what will I do if my grad school process takes longer than expected?
    C. Is there more than one advisor that I’m interested in working with at the institutions that I’m applying for? When selecting an institution/department, make sure that there are at least two groups that can see yourself working with. Make sure you talk not only with the potential advisors, but also the students of your potential advisors before joining the group.
    D. Does your potential group have the resources/materials/equipment needed to complete your research project? Things happen. Groups could lose funding; equipment can break down, etc. You could potentially end up collaborating with other universities/laboratories.
    E. Do you plan on getting married or starting a family soon? Grad school (especially in the sciences) is a very time consuming commitment. However, marriage/family is also a very time consuming and more important commitment. Make sure that you can balance the two.
