I would like to first wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year!! I have been contemplating on starting this blog for a while now, and after numerous conversations with close friends, I have finally decided to make it happen! Before I begin with the story line however, I just want to thank you guys for taking time out of your busy schedules to assist me with this project. Your insights and comments will help tremendously and for that I am grateful.
So...here goes!!
During my tenure as a doctoral student, I've had many opportunities to participate in conferences and panel discussions where I was asked to shared some of my personal experiences in the doctoral program with undergraduate students across the country. After serving on these panels numerous times, I started to notice that nearly all of the students had questions and/or concerns that directly related to "successfully transitioning from undergraduate to graduate school." Therefore, I recently decided to not only share advice with those who participated, but also with students around the world who are interested in pursuing advanced degrees!
My plan is to write a book covering key components in detail that will help students make this successful transition to graduate school. However, I wanted to first share the idea with my peers (you guys) in order to get a better understanding of exactly which topics students are more concerned with; this will help me formulate my chapters, while paying close attention to the areas of interest. So, yes, now I need your help!!:)
Ask yourself this.... If I were planning on attending graduate school, what questions would I want answered in order to increase my chances of educational success?? Several just popped in your head I hope!
So, I have prepared a brief questionnaire below. Your responses will assist me in narrowing down the topics of interest for students and provide insight into my chapter alignments. I will also post answer responses to the questions/comments you provide below so that we can maintain a continuous discussions on this page.
Please spread the word and direct any friends and family who may be seeking graduate school advice to my blog! All comments will remain confidential in future publications.
Are you currently in or interested in attending graduate school to obtain an
advanced degree? If so what degree and why?
What is your major/discipline and classification?
In what ways do you believe obtaining an advanced degree can benefit your
career path?
What questions come/came to mind when you think/thought about transitioning
from undergrad to grad school? For example, applying, finding an advisor,
coursework adjustment, prioritizing, etc.
Note: If you have already completed graduate studies, what were some questions that came to mind when you were in the process of applying to graduate school?
Please feel free to also provide any other comments/suggestions you may have, as your input is highly appreciated! You can also email me and I will get back to you at my earliest convenience. Follow me by email and stay updated on recent posts!
Thanks again!!
Justin Boone, Ph.D.